The 10 Keys to Personal Power
Brian Tracy
key 1:Clarity
"Have vision. Determine what you want to be, do or have in life. Have a sense of direction and know where you're going. If you do not have clears specific goals in life, you are doomed forever to work for others who do."
This means that if you don't take your own decisions someone else is going to take them. the decisions they make would
Key 2: Competence
"If you commit to excellence, opportunities will always come your way. The harder you work, the better you get."
If you do everything right good things are going to came to you.when you work hard for something you really want you get it. People will always do their best so if you want the same thing as them you got to do better.
Key 3: Concentration
"Make the best use of your time. Ask yourself "Is this the best use of mt time?" before you start anything."
This quote tells us that we need to use our time only in productive things. Doing bad things is a waste of time that would give others the opportunities that are for you. Before you do something thinks if you really need to do that. wast your time on your on something that would favored you.
Key 4: Common Sense
- Train your mind
- Think things through
- Listen to your intuition
- Learn from setbacks
Use your mind to do the right thing
Key 5: Creativity
"Except the fact that the every human being is a genius. The hall mark of creativity is asking questions. The people who are most creative ask the most questions."
the creativity is inside of every person but in once more than others that is what makes us smart. people with more creativity wants to know more things and they ask more questions so they can expand their creativity.
Key 6: Consideration
"The quality of your relationships with other people
will determine your success in life."
"Develop the people skills you need to become a better
communicator. Take courses in listening,
speaking, etc."
"If you were to learn one new word a day, within 5
years, you’ll be the best educated person in history."
Be considerate is a good way to have personal power because that shows to other people that you are a god person. Being considerate with other people can bring you friends. If you are considerate with others they will be considerate with you
Key 7: Consistency
" Dependable, steady predictable work is always superior to fast spurts of work."
"Be consistent in your relationships, your family, friends, your boss, your work. Be the person that people can depend upon. That if you say you’ll do something you do
This key would hep you be a responsible person. This key says that you have to do what you say you were going to do. Do not tell your friend, boss or family that you are going to do something and you don't do it because they are trusting your. be a responsible person and you'll see the improvement.
Key 8: Commitment
"No success is impossible without commitment. the ability to commit yourself whole heartily is the basis of achieving all success."
"Become totally absorbed in your work. Be totally committed."
Key number eight is so important because this key tell us that we have to be dedicate to our work that means if we want to success we have to do our work with passion. No distraction when you want to success you have to focused on the things you are going to do to success.
Key 9: Courage
" The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life."
If you are afraid of try something you really want you will never know if you could do it or no. Have the courage to do the things you want. Do not let anyone to stop you.
Key 10: Confidence
"You only get confidence by doings over and over again."
W hen you try something and you are not successful you won't feel good with you until you get it right. sometimes we decide not to try it again and forget about it but if we do not try again we will be regretting later.
The ten keys are really helpful if you want to change and be a better person. Each and every one are necessary to be a ctr person, to choose the right things to be one kind person not a lier