Thursday, February 9, 2017

Chris Paul 
He was a loyal boy he scored 61 point playing basketball dedicating it to his grandfather because he always went to Chris games. His grandpa die and he dedicated all those shot to him because he felt like he had to do it. For loyalty.

Friday, February 3, 2017

Internet Society

Internet society is a website where people from all the world can help people in all the world. You can join this web site and help people. People can take pictures of someone or something that happened and write the stories and the way other people can help. This website is a great things because there is a lot of people in the world that needs help and also if you joined and something happens to you you can ask for help.
Pyramid of Success
John Wooden 

The 25 Building Blocks of the
Pyramid of Success

Block 1:  Industriousness
"In plain and simple English this means hard work. Very hard work. There is no substitute for very hard work when it comes to success."  

This block is the first one and the most important because if you work hard for what you want it will have the results you wanted. Working hard you success in life.

Block 2: Enthusiasm
"It is the engine that powers all blocks of the Pyramid. It is why I chose Industriousness and Enthusiasm as the cornerstones of my Pyramid of Success. It is where everything begins."

When you do something with no enthusiasm you are not really doing it because you want to do it. To be successful  you need enthusiasm because that is what push you to complete your goals. Do everything with enthusiasm and it will make you feel better.
Block 3: Friendship

"Comes from mutual esteem, respect and devotion. Like marriage it must not be taken for granted but requires a joint effort."

I believe there are various kinds and degrees of Friendship based on a wide range of appreciations. We may have an acquaintance with whom we are friendly because of a shared interest in politics or sports; another whose humor we enjoy, some may be golfing, bowling, or fishing buddies; perhaps we have an old friend from high school whom we haven't seen in 20 years. All are friends in different and good ways - but not in the way I mean Friendship.

Block 4: Loyalty 

"To yourself and to all those depending upon you. keep your self-respect."

Strive to be reliable and dependable. Keep your word by doing what you say you will do. When you have Loyalty others will be loyal to you. It means giving respect to those you work with. Respect helps produce Loyalty

Block 5:Cooperation 

"With all levels of your co-workers. Listen if you want to be heard. Be interested in finding the best way, not on having your own way."

Working together with others requires teamwork. If you wish to be heard, listen. Cooperation means working together in all ways to accomplish the common goal. It also allows people to move forward together instead of going off in different directions. To work as a team and come up with  a conclusion and work together. 

Block 6: Ambition 

For noble goals 

The desire to achieve something, or to succeed, accompanied with motivation, determination and an internal drive.
Ambition describes those that achieve success based on their inner desire to do so and their belief in themselves. 


Block 7: Self-Control 

"Practice self-discipline and keep emotions under control. Good judgment and common sense are essential."

Discipline yourself so others don’t have to do it for you! Be in control of how you behave. Good judgment requires Self-Control of your feelings. Bad judgment comes from poor Self-Control. How can you perform at your best when you are using bad judgment.

Block 8: Alertness 

"Be observing constantly. Stay open-minded. Be eager to learn and improve."

Pay attention to everything that is going on around you all the time. Listen with your ears and your eyes. Listen with your nose! Your hands. Don’t fall asleep on the job. Always be ‘listening and learning’ and you’ll be heading to success.
Block 9: Initiative 

"Cultivate the ability to make decisions and think alone. Do not be afraid of failure, but learn from it."

An individual's action that begins a process, often done without direct managerial influence. Take initiative on what you want to do. If you never take the initiative others will you'll never success. You need to make your fist little step to something big and successful.

Block 10: Intentness

"Set a realistic goal. Concentrate on its achievement by resting all temptations. Be determined and president."

If you want to be a successful person but you do not have a real goal then you are not going to success. Make yourself realistic goals. Goals like be a doctor, study, be a professional, a good person things like that. Do not make your self goals like to drink all the beers on the bar or to eat a 4x4 burger. If your goal is to be a doctor do not go to party or to drink with your friends if you have a test the next day. Know  your goal and dedicate to it. 

Block 11: Sincerity 

Keeps friends

Sincerity is the only way you wan keep friends and also to keep your success on your goal. If you are not sincere   with you if you do not really want to make that goal you are not being sincere with yourself. To be successful you need to be sincere with you to make sure that  is what you want and not you are doing that because someone tell you to. You only be successful if you really want it to happen be honest with everyone. 

Block 12: Adaptability

To any situation

When you have a goal you want to be successful on it you need have adaptability. To make your goal a lot of things need to happen bad and good you can't only have good things so you  need to be adaptable to any situation. If you have to do somethings you don't know how to do something you need to learn and adapt. Goals need little step to be completed little step that you need do do every day maybe you think those steps are to hard but you have to adapt to them.

Block 13: Condition
"Mental-Moral-Physical. Rest, exercise and diet must be consider. Moderation must be practiced. Dissipation must be eliminated."

Your goal require concentration and if you don't rest and stress out you will not be able to reach your goal. You need to rest to do something a distraction that way you will not feel like your goal is something you have to do. Your goal is something you want to do but that doesn't mean that you will make your goal in a minute. Not because is your goal means you are going to work on it all day every day. You need to rest so the next day you'll have condition to work on it again. 

Block 14: Skill

"A knowledge of and the ability to properly and quickly execute the fundamentals. Be prepared and cover every little detail."

Have the ability to solve every problem that is keeping you from completing  your goal. Be prepared to deal with it and not give up.  Be good at what you do! Learn the subject! Master the task whether its geography or gymnastics. You have to know what you’re doing and be able to do it quickly and properly.

Block 15: Team Spirit

"A genuine consideration for others. An eagerness to sacrifice personal interests of glory for the welfare of all."

When you are part of a team your job is to do what will help your teammates success. The goals of your team come first. Figure out how you can help your team do its best. Team spirits is to do things with others and be exited and happy to do it. Do things with others to make them better, when there are many people there are different ways of seeing things and that opinion of every body are helpful if you want to success. 

Block 16: Honesty

In thought and action

When your honest every day on your way to your goal everything will be going good. If you lie to someone about something you won't get things right. Be honest with yourself and others. Cheating is not good or fair. When you cheat you cannot really feel the effort you did to reach your goal. If you cheat you don't deserve to win.

block 17: Resourcefulness 

Proper judgment

  When you  accuse  someone of something they did wrong or  you have to make sure that was the person who really did it. If you accuse someone you need prof of what your saying. If you are not sure of your goal do not do it but do not says you are doing it because someone told you.

Block 18: Poise

"Jut being yourself. Being at ease in any situation." Graceful and elegant bearing in a person.

Be a good person to everyone. When something bad happens try to take it the best way you can because obstacles are coming on your way to reach your goal. There always going to be problems so do not treat any person bad because it may not be their mistake. Be an educated  person that can solve problems talking. If you have a problem do not let it stop your from completing your goal. Be grateful that you have an opportunity to learn something new. 

Block 19: Confidence

"Respect without fear. Many come from being prepared  and keeping  all things in proper perspective."

Feel good with your own person to feel good with others. Feeling good with you makes you feel confident with your decisions. When you are confident you know what is right for your to complete your goal. Confidence is what you need when decisions about your goal came.  Be confident with you don't think your more or less than someone else. When someone ask you who you are answer  them with confidence. 

Block 20: Reliability

Creates respect

To complete your goal you need others people help and to have that you need to respect them in all the way their ideas, time, opinions, physical and sentimental. When you are working with someone you treat them with respect   they depend on you to continue working or not. You as a leader of your goal have to make them feel that goal can be possible. Make people trust you ,be on time everywhere and do what you have to do.

Block 21: Fight 

Determined effort

Do not let anything stop you you  have to fight to get what you want. Prove everyone nothing would stop you from reaching your goal. Fight mentally no fiscally. Fight the laziness do things that would benefit you instead of wasting your time. Take the time to improve yourself to be a better person at what you already are.   

Block 22: Competitive Greatness 

" Be at your best when your best is needed. Enjoyment of a difficult challenge."

When you are doing something always do your best even if is hard try it. Your work always has to be the best. Try to do the best of your bets be competitive with others. The work that you do reflects who you are and if you like to challenge your self.  Challenging yourself makes you better, but also better than other persons. Try to do your best at life show people you can do it. Be brave do things others won't be competitive.  

Block 23: Integrity

Purity of intention 

Be the same good person everywhere. Do not help people for favoritism, don't be a doable side face. Integrity is when you give your best to everything and not just somethings. It is when you are say you are going to be a good person everywhere and to everyone. Do good things because it will benefit you. Integrity means you do the right thing. Give your best at your goal. 

Block 24: Faith 

Believe and Achieve 

To do something you have to believe on it. When someone says you can't do something you believe on your self and do it. The only thing you need to complete your goal is to believe you can do it. No one else is going to believe in you, no one is going to believe that you can do what you want to do, and you have to prove it. Believe you can do it and you will do it.

Block: 25 Patience 

Good things take time

To do something takes time you have to be patience. Patience is the most important thing to accomplish your goal. When you want to do something and you do it fast because want it to be done it will came out wrong. Be patience you are waiting for something good. Better do it slowly and make it good than make it fast and  do it wrong. Be patience good things take time.

Final Reflection

The building blocks benefit me because all this blocks are helpful in life, this blocks helped me in my life. I am applying Friendship,Loyalty,Cooperation ,Sincerity Adaptability, Condition, Honesty, Resourcefulness, Poise, Self-Control, Fight, Patience goals. The blocks help me because make my life a lot easier. I will try to use all the blocks for example alertness and  Industriousness could be use in my future plans. I would recommend the pyramid of success to other people and tell them it helped me in my life.