Wednesday, June 7, 2017

My Top 10 Rules for Success 

1.Visualize your goals 
2.Work hard
3.Enjoy the moments 
4. Be responsible 
5. Have Enthusiasm for the things you do 
6.Be Honest 
8. Be Positive 
9. Be happy
10. Adapt to new things 
Class Evaluation 
What I liked about this class was everything. I liked how we learn new things on how to be a successful person. In this class we learned ways to meet our goals. I liked how we  created post about persons that inspire us to reach our goals. Coding is something amazing for me I liked that this class showed me how to do it and I also liked when the teacher would check for the CTR card.

I liked everything in this class there is nothing i did not like. This class is a good class because you learn things from the computer but you also learn how to be a good person and how to treat others. The class is fun because you learn but you also have time to talk to your friends. The teacher sometimes gives us free time and we can work on others classes work or just play on the computer. This is a good class.

Everything is okay in this class but if we could have more time in the programs than writing post would be awesome. That is the only thing I would like be to change. Everything is fine just that I would like to have more time in the programs because I like to learn more about the computer. Like I said before everything else is fine. I like how we learn about people’s life.
One of the highlights of this class is when I won a candy because I had my CTR card with me. Another highlight is when we did a coding project. We can saw everybody’s projects and play with them. A highlight is when in class we talk to a person that we did not know at all. We meet each other and talk about what we liked.

I really did my best in this class tried to do the best I could on everything. Sometimes when I did not understand the coding I would try my best to do it. When we had to do a post I did my best at it. I write the best I could. To every work I did my best.

I try to read my life planning goals journal very day. Sometime I do not have time to do it but I try to make a time. I liked to read it every day because it reminds me of my goals. It helps me to try my best at everything to reach my goal. I like to read it and put a check mark when I’m done with a goal.

I always try to be a good person every day. When I see something I always think if is right or wrong. I try to follow the rule that make me a good person. I like to be a person that helps others and not hurt them. I want to be honest I want to be a CTR person.

Monday, June 5, 2017

Stephen  Curry's 10 Rules for Success 

1. Visualize your goals 
2. Be the hardest working person 
3. Stay confident 
4. Do it your way 
5. Be creative 
6. Stay in the moment 
7. Better yourself everyday 
8. Have an upbeat personality
9. Be the best version of yourself 
10. Actions speak louder than words 

I think Stephen Currry is a successful person. He had a goal and he reach it with his rules. His rules were essential on the way to his goal. He became a good player because he visualize his goal, he worked hard, stood confident, he did it his way and with more things like this we reached his goal. His rules are a good example to follow.

Thursday, June 1, 2017

Cristiano Ronaldo 
1. Just play
2. Be competitive
3. Always take on new challenges 
4. Know your priorities  
5. People will judge you 
6. Work hard 
7. Believe you are the best 
8. Play for the team 
9. Enjoy the moments 
10. Have a sense of humor 

Cristiano Ronaldo is the best player in the world thanks to his rule of success. He started from the bottom he had to work hard  to get were he is now. I look up to him because he is an example of success. He worked so hard to be where he is and all of that is because of his dedication. I think with his rules we can all achieve our goals. Following his step we can reach our goal. Those rules are essential to be what you want to be. 

Monday, May 1, 2017

10 Seeds of Greatness 
1.The Seed of  Self-Esteem (Appreciate the value of yourself)
"From self-love to self-worth"
Believe in you. Do the things others think you can't. You can do anything you want you just have to believe in yourself. You have to believe in you and be happy with you. Have a  good level of self-esteem not to low not to high. Having a low  level of self esteem is the reason of your failure. Do not let anyone stop you from what you to do or have including yourself.

2. The Seed of Creativity
"Releasing your creative energy"
You need to be creative learn to master your creative energy. Creativity is important because with creativity you can do anything you want. With creativity your goal can be better. Be creative that can make your life happy.

3. The Seed of Responsibility
 "Whatever we sow, we reap."
Responsibility is important for your everyday life. You have to be responsible for the things you do and do not blame someone else for what you did. Responsibility is always going to help you in your life because if you are responsible you can do better. Do not wait until someone comes and do something for you. 

4. The Seed of Wisdom 
"A large vocabulary-which implies broad, general knowledge-characterizes the more successful persons, regardless of their occupation." 

You need wisdom in your life if want to be a person with knowledge. If you want to have an extended vocabulary and be a successful person you need wisdom.

5. The Seed of Purpose 
 "The gold mine in your goals"

Have a purpose in life and reach your goals. If you goal does not have a purpose then that goal will not be reached. Everybody needs to have a purpose. Everything requires a purpose  to be done. Do things with a good purpose. When yo have a good purpose on your goal

6. The Seed of Communication 
"Reach out and touch someone

Communication is important  if you do not have communication with others you will not success. You need to communicate with others you need to be a communicative person  because if you are quiet and does not talk to someone you will not be herded. To know things you need to talk to others. Communicating with others we can share ideas thought and we can also create new ides, solutions, things  and solve problems. We can deliver massages and information.

7. The Seed of Faith 

“The power of positive believing”

Your faith will help you to meet you goals. You have to have faith on what you really want to do. If you do not have faith no one will. Be positive about you r goal and have faith.

8. The Seed of Adaptability

"Turning Problems into Opportunities"

Adaptability is what you need in your life for every thing you do. In every thing that goes wrong on the way to complete your goal you have to adapt to it. Adapt  to the things that are new for you the things that can be a problem make them in to advantages. If you have a problem with someone don't make it worst try do fix it. From all  the bad things try to make them better. If sometimes your plan A does not go right you make a plan B. You do not give up you try to do what you want to do until you done it.

9. The Seed of Perseverance 

"The will to win is everything"

Perseverance is a thing that you need to have in your way to your goal from the beginning. To do the things you want perseverance is the key. For example  if your have a goal but you only say that you are going to male it and do not do it you do not have perseverance. Do not stop until you reach you goal.

10. The Seed of  Perspective

"Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love,grace,and gratitude."

Do not think bad about things you haven't try. Always be positive. do not let anyone stop you from doing what you want. Do not give up on anything believe in your self. Do not let peoples perspective to stop you from reaching your goal.Give people a good perspective.

Reflection: The 10 seeds of greatness are helpful on our lives. If you plant them in your life you'll be a better person. they have helped me to be one. I started to use them in my life and it became easier and i felt better with my self and the way to to things. I treat people better and I try harder on things people says I will no accomplish. The ten seeds made me more confident. You should plant them in your life if you want to be a better person.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Ten Tips for Being More Truthful
Barbara A. Lewis

Wife, mother, religious worker, national award-winning author and educator  

The Ten Tips

  1. Make a commitment to tell the truth.
  2. Tell someone about your commitment.
  3. Think before you give a dishonest answer, explanation, sarcasm, or reason.
  4. Be careful of when and how you use exaggeration, sarcasm, or irony.
  5. Be careful not to twist the truth or leave out part of it.
  6. Don't indulge in little white lies.
  7. Watch out for silent lies.
  8. When you catch yourself lying, throw your mouth into reverse.
  9. Talk to yourself.
  10. Treat yourself when you tell the truth.

 The Ten Tips for Being more Truthful can help me on my every day life. This tips help me to think what I am going to say to a person when they ask me for the truth. This will help me not to lie. If one day i did not do my homework instead of lying to my teacher and copy others peoples homework i will say the truth. When I do not want to do something with my friend and I will not lie and say I have to do something else. This examples go with the number 1 tip. This tips are important to live because it can help you to be a better person. This tips help you to think what you are going to say to conserve your friends and family. They also help you to try to fix your past lies. I will incorporate this to my life planning goals by applying them to my every day life. Every time have to talk i will think on them. I will try to do my best at using them. 

Monday, April 17, 2017

School Break Days 
I went to visit a lot of places. I went to do hiking close at Palos Verdes. It was a great time because my family was there and also because i can saw the beach. I ate a lot of food. I went to the mall and clothes. I also went to Santa Catalina Island. I liked so much because I ate pizza and swam and it was beautiful. I sleep in the beach. I watched the movie of Moana. One CTR experience was when I was at Food 4 Less and I helped an old man to put his stuff on the band for him pay them and I felt happy. I had to do an essay for English class and a packet I did it. At last my siblings and I made a surprice party for my moms 50th birthday.